Thursday, October 14, 2021

A New Discipline

One Galician make history and break the Guinness record of  the one arm push-ups
The 43 years old industrial engineer, Miguel Ángel Fernández, awaits confirmation in the coming days as to whether the 20 repetitions of the modality that the international organization has approved are valid and thus set a precedent.

  Miguel performs the push-ups at the feet of the Tower of Hercules

A score of 20 push-ups with one hand and with the feet together is the Guinness record that has been achieved this week by Miguel Ángel Fernández, 43, from Corunna. The industrial engineer chose one of the most representative enclaves of Corunna for this feat, the Rose of the Winds at the foot of the Tower of Hercules, and he has been thrilled for having achieved a goal that
 "had been simmering for 15 years," he said. 

Fernández confesses that since he was a teenager ‘he has been passionate about physical performance’ and comments that he realized that ‘the better he was physically, the better the quality and quantity of his push-ups with two arms. "I conceived them as the standard that allows me to know if I am getting the most out of my life," he said.

He discovered his ability for the push-ups that have given him the record (pending verification of the Guinness team on whether the repetitions are valid or not) by chance in 2019. "I realized that I could do more repetitions than calisthenics or crossfit athletes in general", he explains, while emphasizing that "there was no official or unofficial record of the performance of athletes in this modality".

Creation of a Discipline

Fernández argues that the "Guinness World records are extremely demanding with the approval of a modality", so it took him effort to get his proposal of the one arm push-ups to get approved in April of this year (after the request was made in January 2020).
"I had to demonstrate to the organization the specific value o this modality, as one more example of the spirit that they promote as a company", he said.

In yesterday's test he proved both arms, but finally he has presented himself to the Guinness with the one arm push-ups. Now the organization must check with the images and videos collected at the time if the repetitions are valid or not and finally confirm if he has achieved this milestone in a new Guinness modality in which no one has ever been tested before.

"The most important thing was to carry out the exercise in an emblematic place in Corunna to symbolize the fact of doing extraordinary things in extraordinary places. I wanted everyone to know that it is possible, especially the people of Corunna", he specified. In turn, he clarifies that in his mind 'he aspired to do more than 30 repetitions' because 'he always felt that in the place where the Rose of the Winds is located there is a special strength and a Celtic spirit'.

"It is possible to exceed 30 repetitions but I leave that to those who come after me", he proceed between laughter, on which he clarifies that if Guinness finally approves his record, his next goal will focus on "continue training and correct mistakes", in addition to looking for new frontiers to overcome with success and enthusiasm.


A New Discipline

One Galician make history and break the Guinness record of  the one arm push-ups   The 43 years old industrial engineer, Miguel Á ngel Fern ...